Puppy plans in early 2023.
Samba and Laban.

Samba and Laban are both our own dogs and have lived in our pack since they were puppies. We are now very proud to be able to present this plesant combination.
We plan to have a litter of Pyrenean Mastiff puppies in early 2023.
This combination has an inbreeding rate of 0,0. Estimated for 5 generations. (SKK breeding data)
And AVK (Ancestor loss coefficient) is 95 %.
Both dogs have good health and good mentality. They live together with us and our 6 other dogs in our house. And we spend more or less all out time together with them. They are both healthy and have an excellent mentality. Something that we think is very impotant given size and strenght.
Both dogs are champions in several countries.
Samba is now 4 years and 8 months old in December 2022. Laban is 2 years and 3 months old.
Both dogs are purchased and planned so that we could use them in a possible future breeding combination.
Exhibitions are nice. But fundamentally, the most important thing for us is that they should be nice family members. We have put a lot of effort into getting as good as possible combination for future good lines. Today, we are happy about this work which, among other things, gives an inbreeding rate of 0,0 % over 5 generations and the AVK is 95 % We belive that it is important to have a low inbreeding rate in such a numerically small breed as the Pyrenean Mastiff. Mainly for two reasons. To maintain de genetic breadth and to minimize some risks for genetically inherited diseases.
Many people who are interested in buying a puppy from us ask us if we want them to participate in exhibitions. For us it is not particularly important. We primarily want them to have a nice family member. But we are happy to exhibit our own dogs. Successful results give an indication of how well the dogs follow the established breed standard. Both Samba and Laban has excellent show results. We look forward to seeing the results of this combination.
Pedigree for the upcoming puppies.
Samba SE24485/2018
Provparning stamtavla
5 led
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0,0 %
SE13502/2021 SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH Farmlands Durango
RRC0142267 Elfo Da Costa De Dexo
RRC0131947 Gaitero De Xente Astur
LOE1779740 ES CH Indar Gorri De Saigola
RRC0112112 Dulcinea
LOE1839516 Flor
LOE1440368 ES CH Son-Do-Ar Do Terreo Grande
LOE1571311 Garnacha Do Tarreo Grande
FI19740/17 FI UCH Farmlands Bamfield
FCPRRI-W14.1667 Gandalf De La Tierra Alta
LOI10/65384 Quark Del Mostin
FCPR001518 Laia De La Tierra Alta
FI14880/14 Farmlands Ranchdiamond
S10460/2009 FI UCH Ojinegra's Felipe Gonzales
FI18438/11 Nightsky Casablanca
SE24485/2018 SE UCH DK UCH NO UCH NORDIC CH Evitagårdens Samba De La Bellami
SE26077/2011 SE UCH Evitagårdens Pedro De La Dorado
S14330/2006 SE UCH Evitagårdens Dorado
S32329/2004 SE UCH Agustin Valle De Los Volcanos
S40685/2003 Evitagårdens Pamplona
S19420/2008 SE UCH Evitagårdens Cereza
S16877/2003 Ojinegra's Carlos Zantana
S40682/2003 SE UCH Evitagårdens Andorra
SE33460/2015 Bellami Z Osinieckiej Doliny
PKR.II-108357 Murtoi's Oberon
ROI10/102001 Tio Roy De Moralet
ROI08/57437 Murtoi's Arnalda
PKR.II-105048 Bianca Dominium Troy
PKR.II-88795 PL CH Otto Mastifland
PKR.II-76960 Arizona Bohemia Vampirelli
Link to pedigree. Available at SKK, The Swedish Kennel Club - breeding data. It comes up three generations automatically. Do you want to see more generations. Change in "led". If you want to se the dogs titles check the box "visa titlar" and press "ja"