Our latest updata from our kennel.
8/2 2023.
The important day came. Samba was to be x-rayed to check how many puppies she has in her belly. The x-rayer saw 10, the vet saw 11. But it can be hard to see 100% if there are so many in the stomach, they can overlap each other a bit. Myself, I did not see well enough to say a number. It is better to leave it to those who are knowledgeable and used to making these judgments. I myself have expected it to be in that order of magnitude, considering how Samba's weight has increased. During the last week, Samba has gained 6.5 kilos. About the same as last time, and then there were 10 puppies. Even the previous weeks show great similarity. How many there are, we will have to wait until the day they are born.
Samba was, as usual, absolutely fantastic. And allowed herself to be lifted (with her now rather heavy body) onto the table and then lay completely still and cooperative.
But we also want to express the great gratitude we feel for the Veterinarians in Svenljunga who promised that no matter when it is time for the puppies to come and if there are any complications, they will stand up with all the necessary skills.
Now we are just waiting for our puppies to arrive and hope that everything goes well both for Samba and all the puppies. We ourselves may have to prepare to support feeding with baby bottles if the litter gets so big. As we had to do with our first litter of Leonbergers where there were 12. A little extra work but so much fun to help feed little cute puppies.
We are really looking forward to these little wonders at the same time that we have now started to think more concretely about what all the puppies should be named.
1/2 2023
We have now completed our English page regarding our view and our goals in our breeding. You will find it on the English page, Our goals with our breeding. Health, mentality and appearance.
28/1 2023.
Our upcoming litter of puppies between Laban and Samba has 0.2% inbreeding rate and 95% AVK calculated over 5 generations.
We have previously written that it is 0.0, and it is also according to SKK's breeding data base. (A database that we in Sweden often use). But if you do this calculation in a more comprehensive and larger database, the figure is calculated to 0.2
To clarify this with the degree of inbreeding and the importance of kinship, we have compiled a small document based on some of the knowledge that is reported on the subject. An important and comprehensive topic. Our idea is to relatively basic describe some terms within the subject and how it affects the breeding work, subsequent puppies and the breed's future breeding conditions.
The advantage is that there are databases from which this information can be easily obtained. Three of them are mentioned in the document to which we refer.
What do these numbers mean and how do they affect our dogs' health and their future? Read our attached document. Click on: Breeding and genetics in brief.
Our future thoughts for the next few years.
We think it is very exciting to breed Pyrenean Mastiffs. A fantastic nice breed. Large, stable, calm and pleasant dogs. A dog that may not suit everyone due to its size. But a dog that once you've had it, you'd love to have it again. Or a couple together.
Unfortunately, there have not been very many Pyrenean Mastiff puppies in recent years that have been born in Sweden. Several new puppies in Sweden have been brought in from other countries.
For us as breeders, it is a challenge in our breeding given that it is a small breed both in Sweden and in our closest neighboring countries. In Sweden there are maybe 80 – 90 in Denmark and Norway there are only a couple. Fortunately, there are considerably more in Finland, perhaps around 1500. Which gives us the opportunity to both buy puppies from there and to broaden our breeding base. But we would like more Pyrenean Mastiff puppies to be born in Sweden. We now have 3 Pyrenean Mastiff bitches, Samba, Fiona and Luna. And we will keep another bitch from our next litter of puppies. We also have three male dogs of our own. So our hope is that perhaps by the end of this year we will be able to have another litter of puppies with Fiona. Then maybe another litter, the year after that, if all goes well with Luna. So now we also keep our eyes open for different options on upcoming male dogs for mating that provide the combinations we are looking for. Considering the degree of inbreeding and other family relationships as well as health and mentality. Then of course it is nice if they also have good show credentials with a breed-typical exterior.
20/1 2023.
With great excitement we went to our vet in Svenljunga today. We had both Samba and Luna with us. Luna would only be vaccinated. But we were going to do an ultrasound on Samba to see if she had puppies in her belly. Our suspicions were confirmed. Samba had as the vet said - "She has many puppies in her belly" without giving an exact number. We feel very happy today. When, after many years of planning, we are finally about to have a litter of puppies with our own wonderful doggies, Samba and Laban.

12/1 2023
We have now ordered an appointment to examine Samba by ultrasound. We hope for a positive result and will return with more information. But we believe and hope for puppies.
20/12 2022.
We have now come a little further along in our planned litter of puppies between Samba and Laban. They are now mated and we are waiting with great hope that they will have puppies. We are so incredibly happy with this pairing which has been planned for a long time. Two very beautiful dogs that we think will make a nice combination. They have the nice color combinations that we prefer, Samba is graceful and Laban is powerful. Both are multiple champions. Both have a very nice mentality, and more. Now we can only cross our fingers and wait for the ultrasound examination in about 30 days.
16/12 2022.
As of today, we have changed some things on the website. The most important thing is that there is a link. "Welcome", which contains the most important pages in English. Over time, we have had a number of requests for this. In the future, we will try to keep this part of the website updated in both Swedish and English. After all these years, there are a lot of pages and pictures about our kennel's history. We will not be able to translate all of these. If you want to see pictures of our dogs, we recommend our Swedish website
9/12 2022.
We have made some updates to our puppy plans page. Samba is now in heat and we are hoping for puppies in February 2023. More information can be found on the Puppy plans 2023.
9/12 2022.
We are happy that we have received another Pyrenean Mastiff. Her name is Fiona and she is a sister to our Laban. Fiona has now been with us for a little over a week. She seems to be enjoying herself very well. And playing and fooling around with our other dogs. Lucas seems to be the best playmate so far.
The good thing about this is that we plan to have a litter of puppies with Fiona summer 2023. There are concrete plans that we will present here, a little later. We will also post some pictures of Fiona shortly here on our website.
28/11 2022
Laban has now been to his first exhibition in Norway on 27/11. It was a Nordic exhibition and the judge was Birgitta Svarstad. Our hope was that at this show he would get a Norwegian Large Certificate so that he would become NO UCH, Norwegian Show Champion. But also that Laban and I would have some private time for two days. We spent one night in a hotel. The 485 miles there and back, partly in the dark, were a bit of a pain. But it was well worth it. Laban got CK, Norskt Stor Cert, Nordic Cert and became BOB. As he is already Swedish Champion, he now also became Norwegian Show Champion, NO UCH.
Today, Laban, Farmlands Durango has 4 titles: SE UCH, DK UCH, NO UCH and is the Bornholm winner in 2022.
Laban received the following criticism.
"Appealing, masculine, correct proportions, beautiful head, good expression, well set ears, good neck and back, substantial body, good hindquarters, double spurs, strong legs, good paws, moves well around with correctly carried tail, good coat and drawing, lovely temperament, well shown and in good condition."
We are very satisfied with Laban's criticism and are now looking forward to him becoming a father together with our wonderful Samba in our planned litter.
Pyrenean Mastiff Laban

Laban after Sandefjord's exhibition.
20/11 2022
Today, Luna went to her first show as a junior. 9 months and three days old. It was an Unofficial show for puppies and juniors. The judge was Carina Andersson Rapp, who is an official judge. And who has also judged some of our other Pyrenean Mastiffs at official exhibitions. It is always nice to get an assessment when the dog has started to form into an adult dog. We are incredibly satisfied with the great criticism that Luna received. Now let's hope it lasts in the future. Here follows the criticism:
"Excellent breed type. Excellent proportions. Very beautiful head. Lovely well developed powerful body. Excellent bone structure. Normal angulation of hindquarters. Moves with a lot of power. Also exudes a lot of energy. Coat (words I can't decipher) development. Well presented. BOB. Best junior."

18/10 2022
We have made some updates to our page describing our dogs. Our doggies are absolutely fantastic
12/10 2022
Big congratulations on the 6th birthday to Chabo and Chico, our two fine Leonberger males.
You are absolutely fantastic, incredibly calm and kind. Now we hope that you will continue to have a long and healthy life. Today, our thoughts also go to your lovely sister Chita, who has unfortunately left us. Even Chita had the same amazingly nice mentality that you have.
13/9 2022.
Congratulations Laban on your new titles. Previously you were Bornholm winner 2022. But now you are also SE UCH and DK UCH. At the Falsterbo national show on 11/9 2022 you became BOB and received another Certificate. A little special is that you became this in the absolute fastest way. To be able to become a SE UCH, you have to get at least three Certs, and you already had that. But you have to be at least 2 years and a day before you get your crucial Cert to be able to obtain this title. On 9/11 you were just that. 2 years and a day. So now you have become SE UCH and DK UCH just like Samba and Otto.
27/8 2022.
Two new weekends with dog shows
20/8 Nordic exhibition in Norrköping.
Luna's first show, 6 months and 3 days old. You must be at least every 6 months to participate in an official exhibition. Luna behaved in an exemplary manner. We ourselves were surprised in a positive way. Puppies can be a bit mischievous, rightfully so. This exhibition was to see how she would behave in the ring. She got HP and best puppy in the breed. With a very promising critique.
Laban was also there. Laban became BOB with CERT and also Nordic CERT.
21/8 International exhibition in Eskiltuna.
Otto was exhibited for the first time in many months. The main reason was that it is the judge who will also judge at the European winner show in 2023 in Herning Denmark. And I wanted to see how he would judge Otto. Otto received very good criticism and was BOB and received CACIB. So the next goal is perhaps to participate in Europe wins the exhibition. The hotel is already booked, then we'll see how it goes. The second reason is that Otto gets equally sad and disappointed every time, when he notices that other dogs get to go to the show and not him. So I also want to let him go to an exhibition once in a while.
27/8. National exhibition in Backamo.
Laban was exhibited. Very nice criticism. Laban became BIM with CERT. Laban received his third Swedish CERT. Laban also has two Danes. Had Laban been 2 weeks older, must be at least 2 years and 1 day, he would have become Swedish Champion, SE UCH and also Danish Champion. So now we have to wait and bet on an exhibition when he has reached this age. You must have 3 CERTs to become SE UCH. Of which one only after the dog is 2 years and one day old.
14/8 2022.
Laban just returned from a show in Denmark, on Bornholm. At this exhibition you could get the title. Bornholm's winner. Laban became BOB with CACIB and became Bornholm's winner. A very thorough and nice judge, John Wauben from Holland gave him an excellent critique.
"Beautiful masculine type, strong looking, with normal drive, very nice head, strong scull nice expression good muzzle prefere less lips, good neck and topline, well angulated, good body and forearm, strong bone well muscled, good feet, cor. claws , very nice coat, well carried tail, nice temp" We are very satisfied with this criticism.
30/7 2022.
Today, Samba has been to an exhibition in Ransäter. We went there ourselves and had a day of alone time with Samba. The reason we went to Ransäter was actually twofold. Ransäter is a so-called Nordic exhibition. And Samba lacked a Nordic Cert to be able to become Nordic Show Champion. Then at least as important that we should meet Torbjörn, who is one of her puppies. Torbjörn lives not so far from there. Both things turned out great. Torbjörn, who is now a little over a year old, was absolutely wonderful. And mother and son enjoyed themselves together. Samba won BOB at the show and received the Nordic Cert. To become Nordic Show Champion, abbreviated as NORDIC CH, you need three Certificates from three different Nordic countries and from three different judges, and that you are already a Champion in the country you are registered in. You can then apply for this title. Samba became BOB and received his Nordic Show Certificate.
So after this title has been registered, Samba has the following titles.
Otto has the same four titles and that he is also DK V-21 and NORD V-21. Which stands for Danish Winner 2021 and Nordic Winner 2021.
But then again, it's fun with all these titles. But the most important thing is their fantastically pleasant manner and good health.
24/6 2022.
Samba and Laban have been at a double exhibition in Vejen Danmark. An International 17/6 and a Nordic exhibition 18/6. One day Laban became BOB and the other day Samba became BOB. Samba also became Danish show champion during the first day.
Before 12/6 2022.
These updates are so far only available in Swedish. To see the Swedish updates, click here.